Spirituality for Today’s World

Rooted. Relevant. Real.

Clear, engaging and contemporary, interspiritual teacher and author Lauryn Axelrod guides you to find your own practical, authentic spiritual path for today’s challenging world.

Latest Book

TEN WORDS: An Interspiritual Guide to Becoming Better People in a Better World

What if just ten words could change your life - and the world - for the better?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the world today. Everywhere we look there is suffering, war, oppression, depression, anger, and fear. We need help. How can we heal ourselves and the world around us? What tools do we need to become better people in a better world?

In Ten Words, Interfaith/Interspiritual leader and teacher Lauryn Axelrod offers a practical path forward. Based on a contemporary, but timeless set of ten simple words distilled from the world’s great faith and wisdom traditions and supported by modern science and psychology, Ten Words provides the complete, holistic, interspiritual guide we need today to become happier, healthier, more fulfilled people in a kinder world that supports all.

Available in Ebook or Paperback from your favorite retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and more.

Publisher: Three Mountains Press. 2024

Ten Words is a clear and powerful path through the overgrown wilds of modern spirituality. Lauryn has created a brilliant synthesis of our great traditions and distilled them into practical tools for deepening presence, purpose, and peace in your life and in the world - right now - no lofty changes necessary! -  Charles Day, Environmental Activist, Filmmaker Publisher AS IS Press

Grammar aside, the ten words of Lauryn Axelrod’s Ten Words—Attention, Acceptance, Authenticity, Benevolence, Balance, Contemplation, Creativity, Collaboration, Celebration, and Care—aren’t nouns but verbs, not abstract ideas to distract you but concrete practices to transform you. This is a simple book, and even more dangerous for being so. You owe it to yourself to read it. - Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author of Holy Rascals: Advice for Spiritual Revolutionaries

Ten Words by Lauryn Axelrod is a thoughtful guide for our challenging--and often overwhelming--lives. Each chapter is devoted to one word, offering fresh insights and real-life applications for how to embody its essence. Along the way, Axelrod skillfully makes ancient teachings accessible, practical, and modern. Her approach is both compassionate and thought-provoking, encouraging readers to explore personal growth as well as their impact on others around them. As a result, Ten Words is a valuable resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the intuitive truths underlying the world's timeless wisdom traditions in a way that feels meaningful and relevant today.  ---Sarah Bowen, author of Spiritual Rebel: A Positively Addictive Guide to Finding Deeper Perspective and Higher Purpose

Lauryn Axelrod’s new book, Ten Words: An Interspiritual Guide to Becoming Better People in a Better World, is an excellent summary of spiritual principles. In elucidating these ten words, Lauryn has given us a wonderful guide to finding meaning and living a more fulfilling spiritual life. Take these Ten Words with you as companions on the Way and you’ll go far.” — Gregory Ripley, author of The Hundred Remedies of the Tao

Drawing on the truths of the world’s wisdom traditions, Lauryn Axelrod’s Ten Words: An Interspiritual Guide to Becoming Better People in a Better World brilliantly provides ten practices to help us lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives, and in so doing make the world better for our being born into it. Ten Words is a book whose pages should, over time, be torn and tattered from constant use. - Frank Levy, Co-founder and Co-director of One River Foundation.

In Ten Words: An Interspiritual Guide to Becoming Better People in a Better World, Lauryn Axelrod offers us a clear, wise, practical guide for growing spiritually. Rich in interspiritual wisdom and inspiration, this beautiful book provides a solid foundation of insight and understanding, questions that invite deep reflection and inquiry, and a wealth of practices for integrating spirituality into our daily living. Let Ten Words become a treasured friend and companion on your spiritual journey. - Rev. Diane Berke, Founder, One Spirit Learning Alliance/One Spirit Interspiritual Seminary

In the engaging pages of this remarkable book, you will find ten divine attributes to purify the heart and open the mind. The book is a treasure chest overflowing with gems of Interspiritual wisdom and practices. - Imam Jamal Rahman , author of Spiritual Gems of Islam and Sacred Laughter of the Sufis.

Ten Words focuses on the fundamentals of spirituality and personal development, and cultivates real relationships... with ourselves, other humans, all beings of our planet, and the universe by giving us a check-in for staying on our chosen path....whatever that may be. Lauryn has written a guidebook to being a better human. It's a way of better living.”

 -- Carly L.

What Readers Say

“Ten Words is a transformative and powerful practice that fit easily into my daily living. Each chapter makes it really easy to integrate each word’s lessons. The words flowed naturally from one to the next, deepening my relationship with myself and others, and to the Divine — the sacred and the profane.”

— Matt D.

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How can we become better people in a better world?

While it is true an authentic spiritual journey can’t be organized or regulated, it is helpful to have a direction or a guide to the terrain you will be exploring on the path.

- Lauryn Axelrod

My teachings are distilled not only from my own study, practice and experience over decades of spiritual seeking, but from the writings and practices of all the world’s great faith and wisdom traditions supported by modern psychology and science. I don’t teach from one religion or ideology, but from the common aspirations, principles, or foundational ways of being and behaving that are true across the board and will help us become better people in a better world.

My interest is in our inner worlds and our outer actions, or who we can be and how we can be with others…at our best. This is practical, participatory interspirituality: active, engaged, embedded and embodied.

I call it Radical Spirituality because radical means “root.” I am concerned with what’s at the deepest common roots of our humanity and divinity: what is true and real. I seek a spirituality that is relevant to our everyday lives, that unifies us instead of dividing us, and will help us live lives of joy, purpose and peace in a world where everyone and everything thrives.

I truly believe that we have the capacity to be better people in a better world. But we need guidance. We need a path. That path may not be the same for everyone — each of us must find our own way — but it has common themes. Those themes are the core of my work.

For more on Radical Spirituality, see my Substack: Radical Spirituality: Getting to the Root of What Matters.

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Ignite Your Spark with Kim Duff Selby (October 8, 2024)

Real Talk with Reginald D (October 22, 2024)

Tried and True with a Dash of Woo with Renee Bowen

The Whole Body Detox Show (Oct 19, 2024)

The Storied Human (October 28, 2024)

The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast (Dec. 11, 2024)

The Growth Mindset Gal Episode 1 (Dec.16, 2024)

The Growth Mindset Gal Episode 2 (Jan. 6. 2025)

The Everyday Mystic (Nov. 22, 2024)

HER Conversations

The Aging Well Podcast (Dec. 12, 2024)

Making Our World Better (Nov. 25, 2024)

The Energy Fix with Tansy Rogers (Dec. 10, 2024)

We Have a Spiritual Problem with Dr. Jeff Armstrong (Dec. 31, 2024)

Shine Within (Jan. 17. 2025)

The Fully Mindful Podcast (Jan. 21, 2025)

Wellness Radio with Dr. J.

Wise Divine Women with Dana Irvine